BigQuery Tutorial

Table of Contents

This tutorial covers access via two methods: pittgoogle-client and the bq CLI.


Setup and basics


import pittgoogle
import os

Create a Client for the BigQuery connections below

my_project_id = os.getenv('GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT')

View the available tables and their schemas

# see which tables are available

# look at the schema and basic info of a table
table = 'DIASource'

Query lightcurves and other history


# Choose the history data you want returned
columns = ['jd', 'fid', 'magpsf', 'sigmapsf']
# 'objectId' and 'candid' will be included automatically
# options are columns in the 'DIASource' table
# pittgoogle.bigquery.get_table_info('DIASource')

# Optional
# choose specific objects
objectIds = ['ZTF18aczuwfe', 'ZTF18aczvqcr', 'ZTF20acqgklx', 'ZTF18acexdlh']
# limit to a sample of the table
# limit = 1000  # add this keyword to query_objects() below

To retrieve lightcurves and other history, we must query for objects’ “DIASource” observations and aggregate the results by objectId.

pittgoogle.bigquery.query_objects() is a convenience wrapper that let’s you grab all the results at once, or step through them using a generator. It’s options are demonstrated below.

# Option 1: Get a single DataFrame of all results

lcs_df = pittgoogle.bigquery.query_objects(columns, objectIds=objectIds)
# This will execute a dry run and tell you how much data will be processed.
# You will be asked to confirm before proceeding.
# In the future we'll skip this using
dry_run = False

# cleaned of duplicates

Congratulations! You’ve now retrieved your first data from the transient table. It is a DataFrame containing the candidate observations for every object we requested, indexed by objectId and candid (candidate ID). It includes the columns we requested in the query.

fid is the filter, mapped to an integer. You can see the filter’s common name in the table schema we looked at earlier, or you can use pittgoogle.utils.ztf_fid_names() which returns a dictionary of the mapping.

# map fid column to the filter's common name
fid_names = pittgoogle.utils.ztf_fid_names()  # dict

lcs_df['filter'] = lcs_df['fid'].map(fid_names)

Queries can return large datasets. You may want to use a generator to step through objects individually, and avoid loading the entire dataset into memory at once. query_objects() can return one for you:

# Option 2: Get a generator that yields a DataFrame for each objectId

iterator = True
objects = pittgoogle.bigquery.query_objects(
    columns, objectIds=objectIds, iterator=iterator, dry_run=dry_run
# cleaned of duplicates

for lc_df in objects:
    print(f'\nobjectId: {lc_df.objectId}')  # objectId in metadata

Each DataFrame contains data on a single object, and is indexed by candid. The objectId is in the metadata.

query_objects() can also return a json formatted string of the query results:

# Option 3: Get a single json string with all the results

format = 'json'
lcsjson = pittgoogle.bigquery.query_objects(
    columns, objectIds=objectIds, format=format, dry_run=dry_run
# cleaned of duplicates

# read it back in
df = pd.read_json(lcsjson)
# Option 4: Get a generator that yields a json string for a single objectId

format = 'json'
iterator = True
jobj = pittgoogle.bigquery.query_objects(
    columns, objectIds=objectIds, format=format, iterator=iterator, dry_run=dry_run
# cleaned of duplicates

for lcjson in jobj:
    # lc_df = pd.read_json(lcjson)  # read back to a df

Finally, query_objects() can return the raw query job object that it gets from its API call using’s query() method.

# Option 5: Get the `query_job` object
#           (see the section on using directly)

query_job = pittgoogle.bigquery.query_objects(
    columns, objectIds=objectIds, format="query_job", dry_run=dry_run
# query_job is iterable
# each element contains the aggregated history for a single objectId
# Beware: this has not been cleaned of duplicate entries
# Option 5 continued: parse query_job results row by row

for row in query_job:
    # values can be accessed by field name or index
    print(f"objectId={row[0]}, magpsf={row['magpsf']}")

    # pgb can cast to a DataFrame or json string
    # this option also cleans the duplicates
    lc_df = pittgoogle.bigquery.format_history_query_results(row=row)
    print(f'\nobjectId: {lc_df.objectId}')  # objectId in metadata
    lcjson = pittgoogle.bigquery.format_history_query_results(row=row, format='json')
    print('\n', lcjson)


Plot a lightcurve

# Get an object's lightcurve DataFrame with the minimum required columns
columns = ['jd','fid','magpsf','sigmapsf','diffmaglim']
objectId = 'ZTF20acqgklx'
lc_df = pittgoogle.bigquery.query_objects(columns, objectIds=[objectId], dry_run=False)

# make the plot
pittgoogle.figures.plot_lightcurve(lc_df, objectId=objectId)


The previous sections demonstrated convenience wrappers for querying with Here we demonstrate using these tools directly with some basic examples. View the pgb_utils source code for more examples.

Links to more information:

Query setup:

# Create a BigQuery Client to handle the connections
bq_client = bigquery.Client(project=my_project_id)
# Write the standard SQL query statement

# pittgoogle.bigquery.get_dataset_table_names()  # view available tables
# pittgoogle.bigquery.get_table_info('<table>')  # view available column names

# construct the full table name
pgb_project_id = 'ardent-cycling-243415'
table = 'salt2'
dataset = 'ztf_alerts'
full_table_name = f'{pgb_project_id}.{dataset}.{table}'

# construct the query
query = (
    f'SELECT objectId, candid, t0, x0, x1, c, chisq, ndof '
    f'FROM `{full_table_name}` '
    f'WHERE ndof>0 and chisq/ndof<2 '

# note: if you want to query object histories you can get the
# query statement using `pittgoogle.bigquery.object_history_sql_statement()`
# Let's create a function to execute a "dry run"
# and tell us how much data will be processed.
# This is essentially `pittgoogle.bigquery.dry_run()`
def dry_run(query):
    job_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig(dry_run=True, use_query_cache=False)
    query_job = bq_client.query(query, job_config=job_config)
    nbytes, TiB = query_job.total_bytes_processed, 2**40
    pTiB = nbytes/TiB*100  # nbytes as a percent of 1 TiB
    print(f'\nQuery statement:')
    print(f'will process {nbytes} bytes of data.')
    print(f'({pTiB:.3}% of your 1 TiB Free Tier monthly allotment.)')
# Find out how much data will be processed


# Make the API request
query_job = bq_client.query(query)
# Beware: the results may contain duplicate entries

Format and view results:

# Option 1: dump results to a pandas.DataFrame
df = query_job.to_dataframe()

# some things you might want to do with it
df = df.drop_duplicates()
df = df.set_index(['objectId','candid']).sort_index()

# Option 2: parse results row by row
for r, row in enumerate(query_job):

    # row values can be accessed by field name or index
    print(f"objectId={row[0]}, t0={row['t0']}")

    if r>5: break

Command line

Links to more information:

# Get help
bq help query
# view the schema of a table
bq show --schema --format=prettyjson ardent-cycling-243415:ztf_alerts.DIASource
# bq show --schema --format=prettyjson ardent-cycling-243415:ztf_alerts.alerts

# Note: The first time you make a call with `bq` you will ask you to
# initialize a .bigqueryrc configuration file. Follow the directions.
# Query: dry run

# first we do a dry_run by including the flag --dry_run
bq query \
--dry_run \
--use_legacy_sql=false \
    objectId, candid, t0, x0, x1, c, chisq, ndof
    ndof>0 and chisq/ndof<2
# execute the Query
bq query \
--use_legacy_sql=false \
    objectId, candid, t0, x0, x1, c, chisq, ndof
    ndof>0 and chisq/ndof<2