Source code for pittgoogle.bigquery

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
"""The ``bigquery`` module facilitates querying Pitt-Google Broker's
BigQuery databases and reading the results.
See the tutorial for usage help.
from typing import Generator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import astropy
import pandas as pd
from astropy import coordinates as coord
from import bigquery
from tabulate import tabulate

from .utils import ProjectIds

pgb_project_id = ProjectIds.pittgoogle

# --- BigQuery Client
user_bq_client, user_project_id = None, None  # module's global Client, related id

[docs]def create_client(project_id: str): """Open a BigQuery Client. Args: project_id: User's Google Cloud Platform project ID """ global user_bq_client global user_project_id # instantiate the client print(f"\nInstantiating a BigQuery client with project_id: {project_id}\n") user_bq_client = bigquery.Client(project=project_id) # if the user passed a bad project_id, we won't know it yet. Let's check _create_client_raise_exception_if_not_connected(project_id) # client is connected. set the global user_project_id user_project_id = project_id
def _create_client_raise_exception_if_not_connected(project_id: str): """Checks that the user's client can successfully connect to our tables by executing a dry run query. """ global user_bq_client query = f"SELECT candid FROM `{pgb_project_id}.ztf_alerts.salt2`" try: dry_run(query, notify=False) except: user_bq_client = None # reset so the user can try again msg = ( "You have tried to create a BigQuery Client with the project_id:\n" f"\t{project_id}\n" "But the Client cannot connect to the Pitt-Google Broker.\n" "Check that your project_id is valid " "(e.g., it should not be wrapped in quotes)." ) raise ValueError(msg) def _check_client_isinstance(): msg = ( "You must create a BigQuery client first. " "Run `pittgoogle.bigquery.create_client('your_project_id')`" ) assert isinstance(user_bq_client, bigquery.client.Client), msg def _create_client_if_needed(): stop = False # will be set to True if the user chooses to exit try: _check_client_isinstance() except AssertionError: # help the user open a bigquery client msg = ( "\nTo run queries, you must first open a BigQuery Client.\n" "Enter your Google Cloud Platform project ID now " "or exit (just press Enter) and run\n" "`pittgoogle.bigquery.create_client(my_project_id)`\n" "\nProject ID: " ) project_id = input(msg) or "" if project_id == "": stop = True # user wants to exit rather than creating a client else: create_client(project_id) return stop # --- Get information about PGB datasets and tables
[docs]def get_table_info(table: Union[str, list] = "all", dataset: str = "ztf_alerts"): """Retrieves and prints BigQuery table schemas. Args: table: Name of the BigQuery table or list of the same. 'all' will print the info for all tables in the dataset. dataset: Name of BigQuery dataset that the table(s) belong to. """ # if a bigquery Client does not exist, help the user instantiate one stop = _create_client_if_needed() if stop: # the user has chosen to exit rather than create a client return # get the table names in a list if table == "all": tables = get_dataset_table_names(dataset=dataset) elif isinstance(table, str): tables = [table] else: tables = table # get and print info about each table for t in tables: df = get_table_schema(table=t, dataset=dataset) # print the metadata and column info print(df.table_name) print(tabulate(df, headers="keys", tablefmt="grid")) # psql print(f"\n{df.table_name} has {df.num_rows} rows.\n")
[docs]def get_table_schema(table: str, dataset: str = "ztf_alerts") -> pd.DataFrame: """Retrieves information about the columns in a BigQuery table and returns it as a DataFrame. Args: table: Name of the BigQuery table dataset: Name of BigQuery dataset that the table(s) belong to. Returns Column information from the BigQuery table schema. """ # if a bigquery Client does not exist, help the user instantiate one stop = _create_client_if_needed() if stop: # the user has chosen to exit rather than create a client return bqtable = user_bq_client.get_table(f"{pgb_project_id}.{dataset}.{table}") cols = [] for field in bqtable.schema: cols.append((, field.description, field.field_type)) if field.field_type == "RECORD": for subfield in field.fields: cols.append( ( f"{}.{}", subfield.description, subfield.field_type, ) ) # cols = [(, s.description, s.field_type, s.mode) for s in bqtable.schema] colnames = ["column_name", "description", "type"] df = pd.DataFrame(cols, columns=colnames) # add some metadata df.table_name = f"{bqtable.project}.{bqtable.dataset_id}.{bqtable.table_id}" df.num_rows = bqtable.num_rows return df
[docs]def get_dataset_table_names(dataset: str = "ztf_alerts") -> List[str]: """ Args: dataset: Name of the BigQuery dataset. Returns: List of table names in the dataset. """ # if a bigquery Client does not exist, help the user instantiate one stop = _create_client_if_needed() if stop: # the user has chosen to exit rather than create a client return print(f"Getting table names for dataset: {dataset}") query = "SELECT * " f"FROM {pgb_project_id}.{dataset}.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES" query_job = user_bq_client.query(query) tables = [row["table_name"] for row in query_job] tables.sort(key=str.lower) return tables
# --- Setup to query for object histories
[docs]def get_history_column_names() -> List[str]: """ It would be convenient to also return the column descriptions, but that is more complicated, and this function will be completely obsolete if we change the database structure to store only the "candidate" observation and metadata. Returns: Column names appropriate for querying object histories. """ dropcols = ["prv_candidates", "cutoutScience", "cutoutDifference", "cutoutTemplate"] sdf = get_table_schema("alerts") schemacols = list(sdf["column_name"]) # drop the prv_candidates and cutout columns historycols = [c for c in schemacols if c.split(".")[0] not in dropcols] # drop the full "candidate" RECORD column historycols.remove("candidate") # drop "candidate.candid" as it is simply a repeat of "candid" historycols.remove("candidate.candid") # strip out "candidate." from nested columns # query_objects() uses only the base names historycols = [c.replace("candidate.", "") for c in historycols] return historycols
[docs]def check_history_column_names(columns: List[str]) -> Union[List[str], bool]: """Make sure user-submitted column names are appropriate to query object histories."""
def _split_good_bad_history_column_names( columns: List[str], ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]: """Split columns list into "good" and "bad" according to whether they are suitable for querying an object's history. """ badcols = list(set(columns) - set(get_history_column_names())) goodcols = columns.copy() for bc in badcols: goodcols.remove(bc) return (goodcols, badcols)
[docs]def object_history_sql_statement( columns: List[str], objectIds: Optional[list] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None ) -> str: """Convince function that generates the SQL string needed to query the alerts table and aggregate data by objectId. When the resulting SQL query is executed, the query job will contain one row for each objectId, with the object's data aggregated into arrays (one array per column in columns) ordered by the observation date. Note: Arrays may contain duplicated observations; it is the user's responsibility to clean them. Args: columns: Names of columns to select from the alerts table. The 'objectId' and 'candid' columns are automatically included and do not need to be in this list. objectIds: IDs of ZTF objects to include in the query. limit: Maximum number of rows to be returned. Returns: SQL statement to query the alerts table and aggregate data by objectId. """ dataset = "ztf_alerts" table = "alerts" objectcols = [ "objectId", ] # columns unique to an object # make sure 'candid' is in columns. (objectcols handled separately) columns = list(set(columns).union(set(["candid"]))) # SELECT statement # create a list of strings that will aggregate columns into arrays aggcols = _list_aggcols_sql_statements(columns) selects = f'SELECT {", ".join(objectcols + aggcols)}' # FROM statement froms = f"FROM `{pgb_project_id}.{dataset}.{table}`" # concat the statements into the beginning of a SQL query statement sqlquery = " ".join([selects, froms]) # WHERE statement if objectIds is not None: # wrap each objectId in quotes and join to single string oids = ",".join([f'"{o}"' for o in objectIds]) wheres = f"WHERE objectId IN ({oids})" # concat the statements into a SQL query statement sqlquery = " ".join([sqlquery, wheres]) # GROUP BY statement groupbys = "GROUP BY objectId" sqlquery = " ".join([sqlquery, groupbys]) # LIMIT statement if limit is not None: limits = f"LIMIT {limit}" sqlquery = " ".join([sqlquery, limits]) return sqlquery
def _list_aggcols_sql_statements(columns: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Create a list of SQL string query segments that will aggregate all columns not in objectcols. """ objectcols = [ "objectId", ] flatcols = [ "schemavsn", "publisher", "candid", ] # list of requested flatcols fcols = list(set(columns) & set(flatcols)) # list of requested columns nested under 'candidate' ncols = list(set(columns) - set(objectcols) - set(flatcols)) ncols = [f"candidate.{c}" for c in ncols] # complete list of columns to be aggregated (group by) objectId aggcols = fcols + ncols # attach the ARRAY_AGG, ORDER By, and AS statements to the aggcols aggcols = [f'ARRAY_AGG({c} ORDER BY candidate.jd) AS {c.split(".")[-1]}' for c in aggcols] return aggcols # --- Dry runs
[docs]def dry_run(query: str, notify: bool = True): """Perform a dry run to find out how many bytes the query will process. Args: query: SQL query statement """ global user_project_id _check_client_isinstance() # make sure we have a bigquery.client job_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig(dry_run=True, use_query_cache=False) query_job = user_bq_client.query(query, job_config=job_config) if notify: nbytes, TiB = query_job.total_bytes_processed, 2**40 pTiB = nbytes / TiB * 100 # nbytes as a percent of 1 TiB print("\nQuery statement:") print(f'\n"{query}"\n') print(f"will process {nbytes} bytes of data.") print(f"({pTiB:.3}% of your 1 TiB Free Tier monthly allotment.)")
def _dry_run_and_confirm(query: str) -> bool: # print dry run info dry_run(query) # ask user if they want to proceed cont = input("Continue? [y/N]: ") or "N" do_the_query = cont in ["y", "Y"] return do_the_query # --- Query for object histories
[docs]def query_objects( columns: List[str], objectIds: Optional[list] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, format: str = "pandas", iterator: bool = False, dry_run: bool = True, ) -> Union[ str, pd.DataFrame, bigquery.job.QueryJob, Generator[Union[str, pd.DataFrame], None, None], ]: """Query the alerts database for object histories. Args: columns: Names of columns to select from the alerts table. The 'objectId' and 'candid' columns are automatically included and do not need to be in this list. objectIds: IDs of ZTF objects to include in the query. limit: Limit the number of objects returned to N <= limit. format: One of 'pandas', 'json', or 'query_job'. Query results will be returned in this format. Results returned as 'query_job' may contain duplicate observations; else duplicates are dropped. iterator: If True, iterate over the objects and return one at a time. Else return the full query results together. This parameter is ignored if `format` == 'query_job'. dry_run: If True, `pittgoogle.bigquery.dry_run` will be called first and the user will be asked to confirm before continuing. Returns: Query results in the requested format. """ # make sure we have appropriate column names goodcols = _query_objects_check_history_column_names(columns) if len(goodcols) == 0: # user submitted bad columns and wants to abort return # if a bigquery client does not exist, help the user instantiate one stop = _create_client_if_needed() if stop: # the user has chosen to exit rather than create a client return # generate the SQL statement to query alerts db and aggregate histories query = object_history_sql_statement(goodcols, objectIds, limit=limit) # str # print dry run results if dry_run: do_the_query = _dry_run_and_confirm(query) if not do_the_query: # user has chosen to abort the query return # make the API call query_job = user_bq_client.query(query) # return the results if format == "query_job": return query_job elif iterator: # return a generator that cycles through the objects/rows return (format_history_query_results(row=row, format=format) for row in query_job) else: # format and return all rows at once return format_history_query_results(query_job=query_job, format=format)
def _query_objects_check_history_column_names(columns: List[str]) -> List[str]: """Make sure user-submitted column names are appropriate for `query_objects()`. Returns one of: Columns stripped of bad column names. Empty list if there were bad columns and the user wants to abort the query. """ goodcols, badcols = _split_good_bad_history_column_names(columns) try: assert len(badcols) == 0 except AssertionError: msg = ( "\nYou have requested columns that are not available to `query_objects()`.\n" "(To view available columns, use `pittgoogle.bigquery.get_history_column_names()`)\n" f"\nRequested columns:\n\t{columns}\n" f"Unavailable columns:\n\t{badcols}\n" "\nProceed without the unavailable columns? [y/N] " ) proceed = input(msg) or "N" if proceed not in ["y", "Y"]: # user wants to exit; return an empty list return [] return goodcols # --- Format query results
[docs]def format_history_query_results( query_job: Optional[bigquery.job.QueryJob] = None, row: Optional[bigquery.table.Row] = None, format: str = "pandas", ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, str]: """Converts the results of a BigQuery query to the desired format. Must pass either query_job or row. Any duplicate observations will be dropped. Args: query_job: Results from a object history query job. SQL statement needed to create the job can be obtained with object_history_sql_statement(). Must supply either query_job or row. row: A single row from query_job. Must supply either row or query_job. format: One of 'pandas' or 'json'. Input query results will be returned in this format. Returns: histories: Input query results converted to requested format """ # make sure we have an appropriate param combination do_job, do_row = query_job is not None, row is not None good_format = format in ["pandas", "json"] good_combo = (do_job != do_row) and good_format if not good_combo: raise ValueError("Must pass one of query_job or row.") # convert query_job if do_job: histories = _format_history_query_results_to_df(query_job) # df if format == "json": histories = histories.reset_index().to_json() # str # convert row if do_row: histories = _format_history_row_to_df(row) # df if format == "json": histories["objectId"] = histories.objectId # persist metadata histories = histories.reset_index().to_json() # str return histories
def _format_history_query_results_to_df(query_job: bigquery.job.QueryJob): """Convert a query_job (containing multiple rows of object history data) to a DataFrame. Any duplicate observations will be dropped. """ dflist = [] for row in query_job: # convert to DataFrame df = _format_history_row_to_df(row) # add the objectId so we can use it to multi-index df["objectId"] = df.objectId # set the multi-index and append to the list dflist.append(df.reset_index().set_index(["objectId", "candid"])) histories = pd.concat(dflist) return histories def _format_history_row_to_df(row: Union[dict, bigquery.table.Row]): """Convert a single object's history from a query row to a DataFrame. Any duplicate observations will be dropped. """ d = dict(row.items()) oid, cid = d.pop("objectId"), d.pop("candid") df = pd.DataFrame(data=d, index=pd.Index(cid, name="candid")) df.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) df.objectId = oid return df # --- Cone Search def _do_cone_search( objects: Union[pd.DataFrame, Generator[pd.DataFrame, None, None]], center: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, radius: astropy.coordinates.Angle, format: str = "pandas", iterator: bool = False, ) -> Union[str, pd.DataFrame, Generator[Union[str, pd.DataFrame], None, None]]: """Apply the cone search filter and return appropriate objects.""" if iterator: # objects is a generator, return a generator return _do_cone_search_iterator(objects, center, radius, format) else: # objects is single df return _do_cone_search_all(objects, center, radius, format) def _do_cone_search_iterator( objects: pd.DataFrame, center: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, radius: astropy.coordinates.Angle, format, ): """Iterate objects, format and yield those that are in the cone. Args: objects: DataFrame containing histories of multiple objectIds. """ for df in objects: in_cone = object_is_in_cone(df, center, radius) if in_cone: # format and yield if format == "json": df["objectId"] = df.objectId # else metadata is lost object = df.reset_index().to_json() # str else: object = df yield object def _do_cone_search_all( objects: pd.DataFrame, center: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, radius: astropy.coordinates.Angle, format, ): """Filter out objects not in the cone, format, and return. Args: objects: DataFrame containing histories of multiple objectIds. """ gb = objects.groupby(level="objectId") objects_in_cone = gb.filter(lambda df: object_is_in_cone(df, center, radius)) if format == "json": objects_in_cone = objects_in_cone.reset_index().to_json() # str return objects_in_cone
[docs]def object_is_in_cone( object: pd.DataFrame, center: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, radius: astropy.coordinates.Angle, ): """Checks whether the object's most recent observation has a position that is within a cone defined by center and radius. Args: object: DataFrame containing the history of a single objectId. Required columns: ['jd','ra','dec'] center: Center of the cone to search within. radius: Radius of the cone to search within. Returns: True if object is within radius of center, else False """ # get the SkyCoords of the most recent observation # to do: use the epoch with highest S/N instead obs = object.loc[object["jd"] == object["jd"].max(), :] obs_coords = coord.SkyCoord(obs["ra"], obs["dec"], frame="icrs", unit="deg") # check whether obs_coords are within the cone dist = center.separation(obs_coords) in_cone = dist < radius # array with a single bool in_cone = in_cone[0] return in_cone